
Among Tuscan D.O.P. and I.G.P. (Protected Geographic Indication) products there are chestnuts and the flour produced milling up them. In Tuscany this is used to prepare cakes and other recipes once belonging to the aforementioned Tuscan “cucina povera”.

In keeping with the western habit of having a desert after a meal many of these specialty stores also use the large baking tins to make Castagnaccio. This is another typical dish from Tuscany and the central north of Italy. It is made from a dough of chestnut flour, water, extra virgin olive oil, pine nuts and raisins. Variations can include rosemary, orange zest, fennel seeds and dried fruit. This dish is excellent with ricotta cheese, chestnut honey, Vino novello or typical sweet Tuscan wines like Vin Santo.

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